
What are our interior specialists working on? What are the latest developments in our sector? What are the newest trends in care furniture? We keep you informed.

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The influence of sensory perception on the health care environment

The well-being of care residents is founded on qualitative care, that much is clear. But did you know that residents’ surroundings also have a major influence on how they feel?

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Visiting Serge from Studio M

Our new colleague Jasper wanted to know more about Studio M and the projects they’re working on. So we asked him out to check it out with a camera, watch his vlog here…

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moments furniture_Creating Hospitality Care_Studio M

A cosy and social interior concept, even in corona times!

Designing a care centre is much more than just putting in the furniture. The total concept must result in cosy, welcoming spaces where residents feel good.  And that is therefore also one of the approaches adopted by Studio M, the creative lab of moments furniture. 

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Ino care relax wins European Product Design Award !

The INO care relax from Moments Furniture can proudly call itself the winner of the European Product Design Awards in the category ‘design for society & design for elders’. Its sleek, modern design in combination with the modular and ergonomic applications convinced the jury.

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