
What are our interior specialists working on? What are the latest developments in our sector? What are the newest trends in care furniture? We keep you informed.

Moments Furniture_health care furniture_INO_care relax

Radboud gets care moving

Scientific research has shown that patients recover more quickly if they are confined to bed less and move more. Our INO care relax has already been given a place in the 'patient room of the future' of Radboud University.

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Amphia Hospital Breda (NL) in new clothes

The new Amphia hospital in Breda has been open to the public since the end of last year. In addition to its striking architecture, the interior immediately impresses. Moments delivered the comfortable patient chairs.

Creating a warm and comfortable care environment. That’s something we're happy to

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A second life for 100 care beds

Offering social and environmental added value is an important part of innovative and progressive entrepreneurship. With this in mind, we aim to give a second life to outdated and/or recovered furniture from our customers (locally or internationally). Last week a shipment of 100 care beds reached the

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Together we will beat this virus!

#applausvoordzorg #samentegencorona 

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